VR Care For Elders

Some virtual reality equipment manufacturers design and market medical VR programs that are designed for elder care. A headset, software, and a tablet all work simultaneously to provide an aging user with the ability to manage pain, counteract depression, and explore places of interest.

A Personal Or Dual Approach

Distractions can ease discomfort, anxiety, and depression. Visual imagery is used to induce calm feelings or to engage an end-user. Elder care that involves the use of at-home therapeutic virtual reality programs is designed to treat a targeted list of symptoms. It can also be used to improve the quality of life that a married couple shares, by providing two people with the ability to share special moments together. Some virtual reality programs use a tablet and a headset in tandem.

One person can search for points of interest on the tablet. The other person can put their headset on and wait for the visual imagery to appear on their screen. For instance, if a married couple used to enjoy spending time touring the country, but one of the people has limited mobility or a physical ailment that prevents the couple from sharing special moments together outside of their home, they can use virtual reality as a means to escape.

After one individual chooses a point of interest to view, the imagery will play on both the tablet and the VR headset. This is one way for elderly people to reconnect and feel more positive about the time they spend together.

Support For Family Members

If an aging relative has been despondent and has exhibited signs of depression, their medical status and inability to maintain their independence could be a cause for concern. The family members of an aging individual may be worried about their loved one's status and feel helpless about improving their relative's situation. If an elder has been assigned to test out a VR program that is medically supervised, the family members of the person can consult with the elder's doctor.

The doctor can provide insight into how a virtual reality program will work. A patient may be directed to use the VR equipment to relax. Participating in VR sessions that involve watching serene visuals and listening to calming sounds can reduce pain and depression. A patient may also be directed to use VR equipment to improve the quality of their life. Revisiting places of interest or exploring new places, with the use of software and a VR headset, can lift an elderly person's mood.
